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Our Statement of Purpose

1. To provide the best possible quality service for our patients within a confidential and safe environment through effective collaboration and teamwork.


2. To always show our patients courtesy and respect irrespective of ethnic origin, religious belief, personal attributes or the nature of their oral health problem.


3. To involve our patients in decisions regarding their treatment and provide patients with enough information about available treatment options and information about prognosis and costs.


4. To promote good oral and general health and well-being to our patients through education and information.


5. To involve and collaborate in multidisciplinary team work in the care of our patients including besides dentists also dental therapists and dental nurses within the practice and dental specialists outside of the practice.


6. To encourage our patients to get involved in the practice through an annual survey and encourage them to give feed-back on the care they receive.


7. To ensure that all member of our team have the appropriate skills and training to carry out their duties competently, and that they have opportunities to discuss and learn from problems or issues that arise at any time.


8. To provide a safe, effective health primary care dental service in a responsive way; meeting the needs of our patients.


9. To support continuity of care – wherever possible through personal continuity but also, through dental record continuity enabled by high quality patient records; and following guidelines based on best evidence, national, and local policy.


10. To ensure the practice is compliant with relevant legislation and policy relevant to maintaining trust and confidentiality, as well as to ensure we practice high quality dentistry.

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